
Majority World Theology: Christian Doctrine in Global Context is unavailable, but you can change that!

At this moment in history, more Christians live in the Majority World than in Europe and North America. Yet most theological literature does not reflect the rising tide of Christian reflection coming from these regions. If we take seriously the Spirit’s movement around the globe, we must consider how the rich textures of Christianity in the Majority World can enliven, inform, and challenge all...

Spiritus sanctus; Jn 6:27; Heb 1:8). Why is the sum of three “is-es” still one? During the patristic period, the Latin/Western and Greek/Eastern churches used substantia/ousia (“essence/nature”) to speak of the oneness of God, and persona/prosōpon/hypostasis (“person”) to speak of the threeness of God. In our modern English usage, person means an individualized being with their own personality (thus Karl Barth refused to speak of God as three persons).11 In antiquity, however (e.g., Tertullian),
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